Friday, June 12, 2015

Where exactly are T-shirt donations going?

In case you haven't looked into our FaceBook page, The Borgen Project has released an amazing news article via their Magazine website that gives insight into where exactly T-shirt donations are actually going. As it turns out, frequently the donations are being resold by disadvantaged ones as effort to make a "slight profit."

This is highly problematic, considering the fact that many don't have the money to purchase the shirts. And moreover, if purchased, they can only go on to support those for such a limited time.

Controversy adds more in with the fact that impoverished regions' governments are having to take out federal loans to support their people. These government agencies are on an extremely tight budget and lack the essentials to pay back the loans.

Which is why the newly published article conclusively notes that if you are willing to truly help out, it is encouraged to donate appropriate funds that will support in the helping of building water wells and other resources in disadvantaged regions.

NO, there is nothing wrong with donating T-shirts still, BUT it is still beneficial to know where exactly these donations are going to, and what exactly we need to do to truly help out impoverished countries.

For further read of the article, click on this link:

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