Sunday, June 14, 2015

U.S. Chicken set to be "Made In China" (Uh-Oh!)

If you're reading the headline of this page, "uh-oh!" is indeed right. Until recently, it has been discovered that United States-raised-and-slaughtered livestock such as chicken will "strongly" be sent over to China for immediate procession and then re-entered here in the States for grocery purchase.

Scary, vile and disgusting are only among the few words that come to mind.
What's even more frightening is that USDA has agreed that they will not label the Chinese-imported chicken with a "Made In" label. You read that right: United States consumers will be unaware of the true origin of their chicken products.

Even more scarier: USDA plans not to send health inspectors to the Chinese processing plants, despite the foreign country being notorious for their insanitary food safety regulation issues and high rates of food-borne illnesses.

But poultry is not the only contender on the list for foreign procession. If you read the first paragraph carefully, other livestock is indeed in considerable question; this includes cattle, which is evidently raised as beef here in the U.S. (hopefully still)

This plan to export U.S. goods for further procession in China does not make much sense; but according to USDA and money-making higher-ups it reels in the cash when foreign cheap labor are doing the job and "saving" U.S. food industries "the costs."

You would think that with the international concern of fish farming units, and a recent exposure of "made in china" dog treats killing our pets that the USDA would have some moral sense. But then again, an industry that was previously exposed on ABC News for adding "pink slime" to our beef, doesn't seem so shocking since profit always seems to come before health in their eyes.

For more information on this developing story, CLICK ME!

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