Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Matt Damon heavy at work with "Water"

Academy Award-winning actor Matt Damon has been in a bit of abuzz these recent months, and it's not pertaining to his filmography. Rather, it's the launch of his co-founded nonprofit organization, Water.org.

Matt Damon recalled during last month's Q&A conference with Clinton Global Initiative that his humble beginnings started after he noted the enormity of issues relating to water and sanitation in third world countries.

"You cannot solve poverty without solving water and sanitation," stated an optimistic Damon during the conference, "Given that we know a kid is dying every 20 or 21 seconds from something that's completely preventable; think of it in those terms."

Water.org helps replenish underprivileged nations with the access to clean water and proper sanitation. Upon an interview with organization head Gary White, BloombergBusiness reported that over 1.8 billion people across the globe still drink contaminated water; and about 14% of those accounted defecate outdoors.

Moreover, the lack of sanitation and proper living conditions have been accustomed as the many factors in triggering the rapid spread of various diseases such as Ebola.

However, Water.org representatives shared with BloombergBusiness that operations such as microfinance loans to the needy and seawater reverse-osmosis desalination plants will be taken into account to help address the numerous poverty challenges.

As more awareness begins to surge of Damon's involvement with Water.org, fellow co-founder and lead head Gary White assured the press: "[Matt Damon] is not a celebrity spokesperson. What he is is a strategic partner [who] brings so much to the table."

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