Sunday, April 19, 2015

Get set for Monday (April 20)!

Good evening/night my faithful readers!

I'd first like to thank you all for keeping up with the Awareness Campaign and for submitting some awesome suggestions. Last week, a fellow follower suggested to me that I should include a transcript attachment for future visual entry submissions. This piece of advice has greatly shaped my ideas for forthcoming entries this week; in fact, beginning in the evening of Monday (April 20), not one but two "back-to-back" visual entries will be submitted. Rest assure, these are pieces of information you do not want to overlook.

If you have been noting, there has been an odd lack of entries this past week. No surprise, my hectic studying schedule keeps interfering with my blogging work. However, to make up for these tiring occurrences, I will be releasing another surprise for you all this coming week. So I strongly urge you all to stay tuned and stay posted. I appreciate your guys' strong support and patience! Always remember: spread the word and get involved. Your voice will indeed make a difference.

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